Monday, March 29, 2010


Day one of detox! HAHAHA

Met up with Sara today for a nice long walk, after which we ended up at The Point! On our way there we had a lovely long chat + at one point I realised that if I could go back to form 2/3 I would have taken French + history rather than sciences. With art you can think + be creative, with science on the other hand, there isn’t much thinking, imagination or creativity, just memorising.
After all the time spent in Debenhams, we still need to find a pair of sunglasses for Sara.. + maybe even try build a Pret restaurant! As always, we ended up in the maternity section, + Sara thinks we are meant to be.. :P I shall leave you with Sara’s most sensible motto (more or less) - wherever I go + whatever I do, I know God will provide me with a husband + babIS because he loves me :)


  1. I resent that! You do have to think in sciences and you do have to be creative. In fact exams, especially a levels, are designed to be less about the course material and more about thinking cause they don't want students who are like parrots, they want people who think and can work "problems" out with whatever limited knowledge they have.

  2. That may be math, physics + partly chemistry, but what about the rest of chemistry + biology? Its all parrot work!

    Sorry Ach I only read this now XD
